Thursday, June 26, 2008

Moving on up

Could someone please tell me where this year went? Or the previous six for that matter? My not-so-little-anymore Ava just finished her last year of elementary school! The other night was a "Moving Up" ceremony to mark the occasion. Some of it was a little over the top- the fifth graders marched into the auditorium as "Pomp and Circumstance" rung out from the piano. Other parts were a little funny (to me anyway)- they sang Queen's "We are the Champions" and asked the audience to sing along.

At one point they called up the writers of the winning essays for the year. Ava had won for her class, but she didn't know she would have to read it aloud that night. As she made her way up to the podium, I saw the shock and fear register on her face. My heart went out to her and silently I thought "they can't make her read it!" Since I am a shy, easily embarrassed person, I could relate to the turmoil evident on her face. Poor thing. But you know what? She got right up there and did great- reading smoothly and clearly till the end. This Mama over here was just glowing with pride.
I omitted the pictures from inside the auditorium because they are completely blurry. Unfortunately we seem to fail miserably when it comes to these important indoor shots. But I'm just going to blame that entirely on the camera. OK?


Lynn said...

Congratulations, Ava!!

I would have died on the spot if I'd had to read my essay in front of everyone. Beet-red, stammering, going into cardiac arrest. Well done!!

Laura said...

Go Ava! Good for her that she won for her class and that she got right up there! You must have been so proud of her! I can't believe Ava is so old... I remember when you brought her home to Cape Cod when she was just an infant! Awwww, time goes by way too fast!
PS- I love Ava's dress! :)

Leanne said...

Well done Ava! And so many milestones for one Mama to watch lately...enjoy.

Elizabeth said...

Ava looks so grown up in her pretty dress!