Thursday, June 19, 2008

Happy first birthday my sweet one!

When I awoke on this morning one year ago, I was determined that it would be the day we would finally meet our little babe. Funny how those last days of pregnancy can begin to feel like an eternity. As much as I disliked the Castor oil from the previous day and as disappointed I was that it didn't work, I decided to try again. Monica, my midwife, was confident that another go would do the trick and suggested that I mix one ounce of the oil with chocolate milk (I used soy). That combo proved to be far better than with OJ. With the milk, the whole process was easier -way more palatable and easier on the tummy.

After downing my "midwife's cocktail", I chilled out on the couch and listened to a labor relaxation/visualization CD. By late afternoon, my body seemed to be on the right track, but I could hardly believe it. Was what I was feeling really and truly early labor? Or was it just the remnants of the Castor oil pulsing through my body? I prepared dinner and phoned my sister Lea who was on call to help out. It was six or so in the evening and I still wasn't sure, but I called my midwife anyway and told her I had some cramping.

Though initially I had wanted Ava and Rowan to be nearby or present for the birth if they wished, ultimately we decided that they should go to Auntie Lea's for the evening. So Lea came and picked them up and I put on a movie to relax. I soon realized that I wouldn't be able to concentrate on a movie. We pulled out the home birth supplies that had been stowed away in the corner of the room and began getting things ready. We changed the bedsheets and filled up the large birthing tub. I paced around and called the midwife. Yes, I was most certainly in labor! The midwife came over around 8:30-9pm and quickly and efficiently laid out her various supplies. Soon after the nurse and an apprentice midwife arrived with their gear. Everything inside the room was intense and outside rain poured down and thunder crashed. In the moment, the weather seemed synchronized with the waves of contractions. I labored hard in the tub and kneeling bedside a chair. Two hours later at 11:03 pm, with joy we welcomed our lovely little Lilla. The midwife and assistants checked out the baby, cleaned everything up, and monitored us for a few hours before leaving us peacefully in bed. Oh delightful sweetness to have our baby safe and sound without leaving the comfort of home.

Here's some photos from the morning after when Rowan and Ava first laid eyes on their new sister. Hard to remember Lilla being so brand new and so small- though at 9 lbs 12 oz she wasn't exactly tiny:
Thank you Lilla for bringing more love and happiness into our lives. You are a blessing and I am so glad to be your Mama. Happy, happy Birthday Love! XOXO


Lynn said...

Oh, so beautiful! Thank you for sharing this. That photo of Rowan proudly holding his sister is exquisite. And Sabrina, I have NEVER looked that good within 24 hours of giving birth -- you must be a natural!!

Laura said...

I love the story, Sa. It is hard to believe that it was a year ago today that Lilla was born! It sure went by fast! Happy Birthday Lilla!

Leanne said...

Happy 1st Birthday Lilla! What a great powerful with the storm surging outside and in! And yes birthing definately seems to suit you...what a gorgeous Mama.