Monday, June 30, 2008

Things to love right now

A back porch for whiling away these summer afternoons. I tidied it up and now there's actually a place to sit with a snack or drink.
Staying up way past bedtime to watch fireflies twinkling like Christmas lights in the backyard (hard to see the little guys in this photo, but they're there):
A very slow shutter speed of a firefly in a jar. Rowan so very proudly caught - and then released- this one:

Eating mounds of greens from the garden. Kale and cilantro have starring roles these days. Braised greens and lentil curry anyone?


Lynn said...

I feel another recipe request coming on...pretty please?

I loved it all -- your porch looks so inviting (porch envy back atcha), the fireflies are magical, and the glee on little Lilla's face...the best!!

Laura said...

Vince would die for that cilantro! All the greens look so yummy! I love all those things too.. can't wait to see you guys soon! xoxo

Leanne said...

Things to love right now? This post! It all looks so delightfully magic. I'd love dinner on your porch, and fireflies...well we can only imagine those! Enjoy your time soaking it in.

The Bowens said...

Love, love, love fireflys!! We had one in the house the other night and it was so cool to watch it with the lights off. I did get your soup email. I didn't think that I had the confidence in my cooking skills to "wing it". But, I just threw everything together without measuring and it actually came out really good! It was a great way to clean out my fridge.

Gill - That British Woman said...

I have never ever seen a fire fly? That was a neat photo. Are they as big as regular flies?

Neat blog,


Elizabeth said...

That porch is so pretty. There is nothing better than relaxing and watching fireflies on a summer evening.