Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

It's Father's Day....where do I even begin to talk about these important men in my life? How do I possibly put into words my feeling of indebtedness and gratitude toward both my wonderful father ?

From childhood days, I have many fond memories of my father. Closing my eyes, I can remember summer afternoons spent on my Dad's boat- sipping ginger ale while the salty breeze and sea spray snapped my face. I had a miniature sailing cap that my Dad gave me and with that on I would feel oh-so-official. I remember the game my sisters and I would play before bedtime where we would run up the stairs and ask our Dad to "catch our legs. " This was always a fun bedtime ritual and is a game I still like to play with my children. I remember my Dad happily breaking out his clarinet sounding like Benny Goodman and playing a duet with one of us.

My Dad may have been a bit older than the parents of my peers, but he was always youthful and energetic...taking us out to the high school track to run around, playing a (at times brutal) game of basketball in the driveway, and riding his bike around the neighborhood. My Dad was also an ever present spectator at my middle school/high school sport events- field hockey, basketball, track. I'm sorry my teenage self did not know to appreciation all the support and love my Dad gave to me. Well, Dad, I hope you know now how much I appreciate the things you have done for all of us over the years.

 Happy Father's Dad and all those others papas and dads out there!


Laura said...

Okay, I am almost crying reading your post! That is so sweet...I love recalling all of those fond childhood memories.

Lynn said...

What a lovely glimpse into your life! Thank you for sharing it. And a happy Father's Day to your two menfolk!

Elizabeth said...

What a beautiful family you have. Happy Father's day!