Monday, February 25, 2008

On the Mend

This same scenario has happen to me two or three times this winter: I'll be thinking to myself (a bit too smugly) about how I hardly ever get sick. A day or so later, the universe gives me a little tap on the shoulder, ahem, and sends me off to bed with an annoying virus. This little scenario played itself out again for me this weekend. And in case you weren't sure, it's no fun to be a sick Mama...especially when  three kids are calling for your attention.

After lots of ginger tea, rest (with one eye open), and WAY too many movies for my Rowan, I'm feeling mostly better. I'm also left with a huge reminder to appreciate health. It feels good to be vertical. Now, I'm off to relax during my babe's nap time and indulge in some mindless knitting (see rough idea here) while listening to a book on CD (The Bonesetter's Daughter)

1 comment:

Laura said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better. It really is no fun to be sick, especially when you can't really rest... I like the cowl idea. very cool.