Saturday, February 23, 2008

Foggy, blobby, not so bloggy

In a silly way, this is how I've felt all week. School is still on break and we've spent most of the time schedule-less, hence the fogginess of my brain. But I really do love the fact that we've had very little to do and few places to go. We had just enough activities to keep us from developing a case of cabin fever, including:
1. A sweet but too short visit from Laura and her kids over last weekend. We played and ate and got a tour of the not so charming ice rink while Ava had her lessons. Rowan and Olivia were a fun pair to watch as they "negotiated" things.
2. A day swimming at an indoor pool. This is a very novel activity for my kids during wintertime (or any time for that matter) and they were ecstatic. Rowan was adorable with the swim ring around him as he kicked like mad all about the shallow end.
3.  Lilla and I went to see Taj Mahal in concert at our local theater. Really fabulous concert- would have loved it to be longer. Lilla was lulled to sleep in the sling by the end.
4. A few play dates in the mix.
5. An adventure in making "no knead" bread. Three of us ate the sourdough-like loaf in one sitting. Hmmm, I think we liked it. A lot.

Well, since we're talking bread, now I have to mention blobbiness (yes I know that's not a real word). My body does in fact feel like an inflated hunk of dough and unfortunately that pregnancy excuse just doesn't seem too valid now that my babe is already over eight months old. Okay, I've said it: I need to begin an anti-blob mission.

And about blogging...I'm thinking about sticking to a more formal blogging system. Although the idea of "formal blogging system" seems like an oxymoron. I guess by system I mean that I want to be less sporadic in my posts. When I allow too much time to lapse between entries, I have a hard time posting anything at all. So as not to disappoint the two or three of you dear readers, I'm going to try to post regularly.

That's all now...happy rest of the weekend.


Laura said...

Funny, I feel just like you! Blobby for sure and not so bloggy. I'll have to post soon...

Lea & Kevin said...

I got to get on to blogging. I guess I've been not so bloggy at all.