Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Kid's art

In this house, kid's artwork and treasures seem to be everywhere...on top of the cupboards, plastered on the walls, and heaped onto windowsills. Sometimes I'm at a loss as to what to do with the mounds of material that come through the door. The children are quite prolific with their paintings, drawings, collages, pottery, dioramas and more. Then there's all those gifts from nature we find: pretty stones, found feathers, special shells, pine cones, and nests to mention a few. I really love this pottery that Ava made at school and carefully brought home wrapped in newsprint. I remember how excited she was about bringing home each of these:
The kids really enjoy looking at the their old drawings up on the walls and remembering how old they were when they made them. "That's the picture I made of you when I was three!" Rowan says about this picture in the foreground.
Rowan has designated the window sill by the back door as our nature's table and this is where the special bits from outside come in. It looks a bit scruffy but he takes great pride in this corner. Upon finding an empty robin's eggshell the other day he quickly plucked it up and said, "I better put this in the nature section."


Laura said...

I love Ava's little pottery, especially the guy that looks to be wearing a headband! So nice that you keep all that stuff for them (and you!). Someday they will be so happy to look back at them.

Lynn said...

Oh, how wonderful! I love it all.