Saturday, May 3, 2008


Spring is just forging ahead with flowers blooming and leaves unfurling all around. And I am drinking in all the beauty as it greets me each day. The new shapes, textures and colors found outside my door delight my eyes.
And the weather? Well, it's predictably spring-like, which means one day we slip out of the house in short sleeves, skirts/shorts and sandals and the next, boots and a rain jacket are required. And then there's those nippy mornings where we need a little extra layer of clothing. I happily found this butter yellow, three quarter sleeve coat recently, thinking it would be perfect for a cooler Spring day.
And then there's the slightly impractical hat I made last fall for Lilla. It's too warm for a hot day, not warm enough for a cold day, but just right for an in between cool Spring day. And I just don't know how long I can get away with putting a bonnet on my girl. But I do see myself making some summer-weight ones in the near future.


Laura said...

Oh, I really like that coat!! Especially for a $1 and can't pass that up! The spring pictures are beautiful. I can't wait for the weather to get nice... It is 40 degrees and rainy today- my least favorite weather!!

The Bowens said...

I love Lilla's hat and your coat! Are those bleeding hearts in the first picture? I think that I have only seen them in pink. We are certainly having a rainy and dreary spring day on Cape Cod today! Bring on the sun

Sabrina said...

LP- Yes, it is bleeding heart. I planted these a few years ago, but they're still on the small side. I wish I had planted some pink ones too.

Elizabeth said...

A couple of days away from the computer, and look at all I have missed. I think the coat is very cool. Perfect for a spring walk in the garden.