Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My Lilla

Dinner needs cooking, laundry awaits me and my sewing machine is gathering moss, but right now I'm just taking in this little being whose arrival eleven months ago made us a family of five. Everyday Lilla's personality unfolds and reveals a bit more. She laughs easily and most often because of something Rowan is doing (he takes credit for being the first person to make her laugh). All of a sudden she seems to understand some things we say, is repeating sounds and even saying words (although probably only our family can decode them)... She is a little charmer and will literally work a room by catching the attention of others and than flashing an enormous, infectious smile.
She's my sweet little girl, happy to suck her thumb when in need, to be carried about through the day, and to to sleep snugly next to me.


Lynn said...

Sabrina, your blog is lovely! Thank you for visiting mine and letting me know about you. I'll be back regularly. And after reading your profile, I'm remembering that I need to add Indian food to my favorites, too!

Laura said...

that Lilla- she is just such a little cutie!

Elizabeth said...

Her smile IS infectious! What a precious little lady.

The Bowens said...

Sweet, Sweet One!