Thursday, May 15, 2008

Three wishes

Rowan said to me the other day, "Mom...if I had three wishes they would be: one I could fly, two you would live forever and three I would live forever." Whoa...that thought stopped me in my tracks. With age I've become more aware of my mortality. Certainly watching the speed with which my children have grown makes me even more aware of passing time. But I'm not sure where Rowan comes up with comments like that since he is only five.

I have, though, been thinking a lot lately about my cousin who recently was diagnosed with cancer. He's a relatively young guy with two small children and a wonderful wife. I'm sure it took them all by surprise... what a very awful surprise.

While I think about and pray for George and his family I am reminded of the preciousness and uncertainty of life. I am reminded to take it all in and find joy in what surrounds me. The beauty of a glorious warm day. A perfect breeze. Birdsong across the fields. Bees buzzing delightfully over apple blossoms. Watching my big girl play with and teach my little one how to clap, to give a high five, and to make little kissing sounds. For these simple things I bow down and give thanks.


The Bowens said...

Well said Sa...Life is good, really good!

Elizabeth said...

It's good to always be reminded that we should enjoy the time we have and the beauty of little things. Thank you.

Laura said...

You say it so well. Thanks for this nice blog post and for reminding me that life is short and not to sweat the small stuff!! Love you!!

Leanne said...

A wonderful and very important reminder to be in the moment and mindful of the "important" things, which are not always what we think...we just never do know what's around the corner do we? My little ones have also bought the reality of my mortality to the forefront at times.
Best wishes and hopes for your cousins journey.