Friday, May 2, 2008


In yesterday's post about the muffins, I also wanted to include a note on making one's own vanilla extract. But then I figured two recipes in one post would be silly. So instead I thought I'd bore you with two days in a row of recipes. If you haven't already tried making your own vanilla extract, you should. It takes very little effort and the reward is a virtually limitless supply of vanilla extract. Well, don't quote me on the limitless supply I've only had mine going for about 6 months. But I do bake a lot and the extract is still going strong.

Perpetual Vanilla Extract Needs:
1 glass bottle with tight fitting lid- I used a 4 oz bottle
2 vanilla bean pods
vodka- cheap variety is just fine

Slice bean pods down the middle lengthwise. Place pods in glass bottle. Pour alcohol over to cover. Screw on lid and shake bottle. Then let sit in a cupboard for 6 weeks or so. Now you can use it. And as you use it, keep pouring fresh alcohol over the beans to keep them covered, thereby creating your perpetual vanilla.

I'm sure there's tons of online sources for beans, jars and recipes. I just got my at the local food co-op because it was there.

Since Rowan and I have been coming up with lots of rhymes (and I'm a goon) and Lilla rhymes with vanilla, I thought I'd share a photo of her instead of the brown glass jar of extract:

1 comment:

Laura said...

Hi Lilla Vanilla! Cutie!