Friday, May 23, 2008

A little rant

I'm feeling a desperate need to carve out a little time for myself, but I don't know where to begin. Well, I could begin by going to bed a bit later... most nights I've been falling asleep with my babies by 9- 9:30. And I guess I am to blame for this as we all snuggle down in the big bed so I can read Rowan his story while nursing Lilla to sleep. This little bedtime routine works so well that I often end up conking out too. Oh it is so very cozy in there.

Sometimes I get up groggily at 11 or midnight, putter for a bit and maybe write an incoherent post or two. Sometimes I just wake in the morning feeling a little disappointed that I did not burn some midnight oil and get a few projects started or finished (like Lilla's dress, the dining room chairs project, freezer paper stencil shirts...eek and a few others). I can't wait to share once I get some things done!

And maybe, just maybe, the overcast/rainy weather will take a rest. The garden has had plenty of water now and we would all like to go out and play. Thank you.


Lynn said...

Oh, man, the weather makes all the difference, doesn't it? And winter seemed to last forever this year. Our dispositions have improved HUGELY now that it's been more sunny than rainy, more warm than cold.

Funny that you're frustrated with your early bedtime; I'm annoyed with myself for staying up way too late! I guess it's always something! I might be getting a wee bit more accomplished, but you're getting physical rejuvenation! >;-D

Lynn said...

P.S. My knitted bunny looks good because my husband (who is not spatially challenged the way I am) did the folding and sewing parts. Me? I knitted a big square. And two small triangles. In garter stitch.

Have a wonderful day!